The color red is known to depict danger. Whether it is the red traffic light or danger sign, every time we see red, our mind automatically makes us believe that some blunder is about to happen. So, if you’re constantly seeing a red light on your device after performing the Victony WiFi extender setup that means something cannot be good.
But, fret not! The troubleshooting steps mentioned in this article will help you in fixing the Victony extender red light issue in no time. But, before you learn how to resolve the issue, let’s first have a look at the reasons that might have led to it.
Some of the most common reasons why your Victony WiFi extender is flashing red are:
Improper hardware configuration
Loose cable connections
Outdated or corrupted firmware
Internet issue from the end of your ISP
Your WiFi devices aren’t placed in close proximity
Now, that you know what might have led to the red light issue, you’re ready to walk through the troubleshooting steps mentioned below to fix the issue.
Resolved: Victony Extender Red Light Issue
Update the Firmware
To troubleshoot the Victony red light issue, start by updating the firmware of your WiFi extender. No idea about how to do that? No problem! Walk through the instructions mentioned below and learn how to update your device:
Power on your Victony extender as well as your PC.
Open up a random web browser on your PC and access ap.setup.
Enter the default extender login details and hit Log In.
The Victony Genie dashboard will appear on your screen.
Go to Settings and click on the Firmware Update button.
Note: You can also log into your Victony extender by using default IP.
Relocate Your Extender
Wrong location is one of the major reasons why your Victony extender is flashing red. If you haven’t placed your extender at its ideal location, wait until you start facing more technical issues. To troubleshoot the issue, it is recommended that you place your extender where it’s supposed to be. Neither places it too close to the router, not too far. Keep a safe distance between your WiFi devices. Only then will you see the results.
Check the Connection Between Your WiFi Devices
Another common reason why you’re facing the red light issue is because the connection between your Victony extender and router is poor. Thus, make sure that the connection between your devices is well-established. Rather than connecting your devices wirelessly, why don’t you connect them using a cable?
Trust us, using a cable to connect your device is a more reliable and safer option in comparison.
Reset Your Extender
If none of the aforementioned steps have helped you in fixing the Victony extender red light issue, then we recommend you give factory default reset a try.
Mentioned below are the guidelines that will assist you in restoring your Victony extender to its factory default settings:
Open a new tab in your current web browser.
Perform Victony login by accessing either or
Then, click on Advanced > Administration > Erase > Restore to factory default settings.
By following these instructions, not only will you be able to perform factory default reset but also get rid of the Victony red light issue.
The Bottom Line
If you carefully follow the troubleshooting steps mentioned in this article, you’ll surely be able to get rid of the red light issue. On the off chance, if the issue persists, then it is recommended that you power-cycle your device. Doing so might work in your favor.